physical topology

网络  物理拓扑; 物理拓扑结构



  1. Tasks are organized by machine, in the physical topology, and by tool in the logical topology.
  2. This complexity of logical and physical topology appears as a single directory tree ( drive mapping), with sub-directories that may actually be located on remote servers.
  3. The Network Testbed Mapping Problem means that map an emulated network into the physical topology of the Testbed.
  4. Research of Discovery of Physical Topology in Switched Ethernets
  5. Quasi-Chord: A Physical Topology Awared Structured P2P Network
  6. Research of the Intra-AS Network Physical Topology Probe Algorithm
  7. Based on shortage of recent physical topology discovery algorithm, this paper proposes a Width-First Search topology discovery algorithm based on STP and tests it.
  8. Traffic Engineering maps traffic into network's physical topology according to user's command, for optimizing network resource's allocating, avoiding network congestion and increasing network robustness.
  9. Implement of physical topology discovery system for campus network
  10. Moreover, topology discovery tool implementing this algorithm can find the accurate heterogeneous network physical topology.
  11. This algorithm reduces the complexity in realization and increases the validity of discovering physical topology, and has made effect in missions of manned space-flight.
  12. Algorithm for Automatic Physical Topology Discovery Based on IP Network
  13. This paper introduces the basic knowledge of dynamically discovering network's physical topology, and introduces the algorithms for discovering physical topology based on STP table by analyzing the algorithms based on address forward table.
  14. On the basis of some conceptions relating to network and a brief survey of existing self-healing techniques, A norm named "the distributed character of traffic routes" is presented, which is used to judge that the survivability of a physical topology is good or not.
  15. Network Access Monitor System Based on Physical Topology Discovery
  16. This paper introduces related definition and system model of physical topology discovery in heterogeneous network.
  17. Based on the analysis of the existing physical topology discovery algorithm relying on SNMP MIB II information, a new algorithm is proposed.
  18. In this article, we only discuss optimization of wavelength in static RWA, namely finding the minimal amount of wavelength which contains the given demand and physical topology.
  19. In this article, based on the general address forwarding table, a topology discovery algorithm which is adaptable to physical topology with shared segment is defined and the correctness of it is proved.
  20. The scheme firstly builds a distributed hash table based on the physical topology of network, so that the topology mismatch problem of conventional DHT schemes can be eliminated.
  21. Research of Algorithm for Physical Topology Discovery in Heterogeneous IP Network
  22. Research on Physical Topology Discovery and System Implementation
  23. However, it still exists some problems. For example, transmission quality can not be guaranteed, network topology and physical topology does not match, and server is overloaded.
  24. On the base of the physical topology discover algorithm for single or subnets, the author is concerned with summarizing these topology discovery algorithms, and comparison of advantages and disadvantages among these algorithms is also presented.
  25. Unlike the traditional simple two-step routing algorithm, our proposed one takes into account the dependence of routing and wavelength share. Therefore, our algorithm has a better performance. Finally, we give a specific demonstration of the physical topology design.
  26. The study is transferred from network layer to data link layer. The link layer topology discovery can discover the physical topology internal a LAN, which the network layer topology discovery can not discover.
  27. Physical topology discovery in network with VLAN and topology discovery in IPv6 network are worth further researching.
  28. Two-layer complex networks with a homogeneous physical topology are found to be more tolerant to congestion.
  29. In addition, we adopt the taboo search algorithm to optimize the whole performance of the physical topology design.
  30. In addition, we integrate the physical topology design with protection and study the physical topology design of fault-tolerant optical networks. First, to recover from any single-link failure, we propose a novel wavelength assignment scheme.



  1. the appearance of the network
    1. the physical topologies of local area networks include the bus, the ring and the star